Upload your video backgrounds directly to Readymag

Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2022


Now you can upload your background videos directly to Readymag. Along with this, background videos hosted on Youtube and Vimeo will stop working today, due to the restriction policies of these services.

This is how a background video is being uploaded to Readymag

If you have video backgrounds, which are hosted on Youtube and Vimeo, ensure to upload them to your account and then enable via the Background widget. Otherwise, such backgrounds will show only the video cover.

Please note that only .mp4 files that smaller than 10 Mb can be uploaded as video backgrounds. The reason is that heavy background videos might cause a page load delay. If visitors have to wait too long to get to your actual content, you stand a good chance of losing them.

There are special services you can use to convert videos to the appropriate format.

Also, you can change the type of your background: use a picture or color setting instead of video.

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